Everything you need to know about making an appointment
Making an appointment is easy
- Call 203.871.4188 to schedule an appointment.
- If you need a same day or urgent care appointment, please ask about availability.
When you call
When you call, please have ready:
- Your name & address
- Your date of birth
- The reason for your visit
- Health insurance information (if you have it)
If you are not sure if you qualify for health insurance, please make a financial screening appointment as well. To learn more about qualifying for health insurance,click here.
Cancelling an Appointment
If you must cancel your appointment, please call us, we understand. By calling us to cancel, you let us know not to expect you. Your call also allows us to offer your appointment time to someone else in need. We appreciate your cooperation.
To cancel any appointment, please call: 203.871.4188.
Missed Appointments
If you have missed an appointment, please call us immediately. We want to know you are safe. If a health care provider calls you to ask about a no-show or cancellation, please return the call.